Wideo na piątek: "The Knick", "You're the Worst", "Teen Wolf", "Mr. Robot"

31 lipca 2015, 15:03
Zapowiedzi nowych sezonów "The Knick" i "You're the Worst". Fragment kolejnego odcinka "Teen Wolfa". A oprócz tego "Mr. Robot", "Suits", "Graceland" i inne.
Zapowiedzi nowych sezonów "The Knick" i "You're the Worst". Fragment kolejnego odcinka "Teen Wolfa". A oprócz tego "Mr. Robot", "Suits", "Graceland" i inne.
1. "The Knick" (sezon 2) – promo
2. "You're the Worst" (sezon 2) – trailer
3. "Suits" (5×07 – "Hitting Home") – promo 1
4. "Mr. Robot" (1×07 – "eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv") – promo 1
5. "Teen Wolf" (5×07 – "Strange Frequencies") – sneak peek 1
6. "Graceland" (3×07 – "Bon Voyage") – promo 1
7. "Dominion" (2×05 – "Son of the Fallen") – promo 1
8. "Complications" (1×09 – "Deterioration") – oromo 1
9. "Mistresses" (3×09 – "Unreliable Witness") – promo 1
10. "The Astronaut Wives Club" (1×08 – "Abort") – promo 1