12 klipów na środę: "Pretty Little Liars", "Treme", "Breaking Bad", "Copper"

Marta Wawrzyn
29 sierpnia 2012, 14:37
5-minutowe wideo z planu 3. sezonu "Treme". Zapowiedź haloweenowego odcinka "Pretty Little Liars". Dwa sneak peeki z "Necessary Roughness". A oprócz tego "Copper", "Breaking Bad", "Elementary", "Covert Affairs".
5-minutowe wideo z planu 3. sezonu "Treme". Zapowiedź haloweenowego odcinka "Pretty Little Liars". Dwa sneak peeki z "Necessary Roughness". A oprócz tego "Copper", "Breaking Bad", "Elementary", "Covert Affairs".
1. "Treme" (sezon 3) – An Invitation to the Set
2. "Copper" (1×03 – "In the Hands of an Angry God") – promo 1
3. "Breaking Bad" (5×08 – "Gliding Over All") – promo 2
4. "Pretty Little Liars" (3×13 – "This is a Dark Ride") – promo 1
5. "Covert Affairs" (3×08 – "Glass Spider") – promo 1
6. "Necessary Roughness" (2×11 – "All the King's Horses") – sneak peek 1
7. "Necessary Roughness" (2×11 – "All the King's Horses") – sneak peek 2
8. "Warehouse 13" (4×07 – "Endless Wonder") – promo 1
9. "Alphas" (2×07 – "Gods and Monsters") – promo 1
10. "American Horror Story: Asylum" – teaser 9
11. "Elementary" – "Bloody Brilliant" promo
12. "666 Park Avenue" – "Calling" promo