12 klipów na wtorek: "Chirurdzy", "Hart of Dixie", "Castle", "Kości", "Revolution"

Marta Wawrzyn
2 października 2012, 11:04
Sneak peek z premiery 2. sezonu "Hart of Dixie". Kilka fragmentów kolejnego odcinka "Chirurgów". Nowa zapowiedź "Arrow". A oprócz tego "Castle", "Kości", "Boardwalk Empire", "Fringe", "Switched at Birth".
Sneak peek z premiery 2. sezonu "Hart of Dixie". Kilka fragmentów kolejnego odcinka "Chirurgów". Nowa zapowiedź "Arrow". A oprócz tego "Castle", "Kości", "Boardwalk Empire", "Fringe", "Switched at Birth".
1. "Hart of Dixie" (2×01 – "I Fall to Pieces") – sneak peek 1
2. "Boardwalk Empire" (3×04 – "Blue Bell Boy") – promo 1
3. "Castle" (5×03 – "Secret's Safe With Me") – promo 1
4. "Bones" (8×04 – "The Tiger In The Tale") – promo 1
5. "Revolution" (1×04 – "The Plague Dogs") – promo 1
6. "Grey's Anatomy" (9×02 – "Remember the Time") – sneak peek 1
7. "Grey's Anatomy" (9×02 – "Remember the Time") – sneak peek 2
8. "Grey's Anatomy" (9×02 – "Remember the Time") – sneak peek 3
9. "Switched at Birth" (1×28 – "We Are the Kraken of Our Own Sinking Ships") – promo 1
10. "The Mob Doctor" (1×04 – "Change of Heart") – promo 1
11. "Fringe" (5×02 – "In Absentia") – promo 2
12. "Arrow" – First Look