15 klipów na czwartek: "Pretty Little Liars", "TBBT", "Chirurdzy", "Teen Wolf"

Marta Wawrzyn
16 maja 2013, 12:14
Sneak peeki z powrotu "Pretty Little Liars", a także z finałów sezonów "Chirurgów", "The Big Bang Theory", "Pamiętników wampirów". Teasery 3. sezonu "Teen Wolf". Zapowiedzi finałów sezonów "Nashville" i "Chicago Fire". Zapraszamy do oglądania!
Sneak peeki z powrotu "Pretty Little Liars", a także z finałów sezonów "Chirurgów", "The Big Bang Theory", "Pamiętników wampirów". Teasery 3. sezonu "Teen Wolf". Zapowiedzi finałów sezonów "Nashville" i "Chicago Fire". Zapraszamy do oglądania!
1. "Chicago Fire" (1×24 – "A Hell of a Ride") – promo 1
2. "Nashville" (1×21 – "I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive") – promo 1
3. "The Vampire Diaries" (4×23 – "Graduation") – sneak peek 2
4. "The Big Bang Theory" (6×24 – "The Bon Voyage Reaction") – sneak peek 2
5. "Pretty Little Liars" (4×01 – '"A' is for A-l-i-v-e") – sneak peek 1
6. "Pretty Little Liars" (4×01 – '"A' is for A-l-i-v-e") – sneak peek 2
7. "Pretty Little Liars" (4×01 – '"A' is for A-l-i-v-e") – sneak peek 3
8. "Beauty and the Beast" (1×22 – "Never Turn Back") – sneak peek 2
9. "Teen Wolf" (sezon 3) – teaser
10. "Teen Wolf" (sezon 3) – teaser
11. "Teen Wolf" (sezon 3) – teaser
12. "Grey's Anatomy" (9×24 – "Perfect Storm") – sneak peek 1
13. "Grey's Anatomy" (9×24 – "Perfect Storm") – sneak peek 2
14. "Covert Affairs" (sezon 4) – teaser
15. "Baby Daddy" (2×01 – "I'm Not That Guy") – promo 1