12 klipów na poniedziałek: "Dexter", "Ray Donovan", "True Blood", "The Killing"

Marta Wawrzyn
15 lipca 2013, 12:56
Sneak peeki z kolejnych odcinków "Dextera", "Raya Donovana", "Under the Dome", "Pretty Little Liars". Zapowiedzi nowych odcinków "True Blood", "The Killing", "Devious Mairs", "Falling Skies" i innych seriali. Zapraszamy do oglądania!
Sneak peeki z kolejnych odcinków "Dextera", "Raya Donovana", "Under the Dome", "Pretty Little Liars". Zapowiedzi nowych odcinków "True Blood", "The Killing", "Devious Mairs", "Falling Skies" i innych seriali. Zapraszamy do oglądania!
1. "Falling Skies" (3×08 – "Strange Brew") – promo 1
2. "True Blood" (6×06 – "Don't You Feel Me") – promo 1
3. "The Killing" (3×09 – "Reckoning") – promo 1
4. "Dexter" (8×04 – "Scar Tissue") – promo 1
5. "Dexter" (8×04 – "Scar Tissue") – sneak peek 1
6. "Ray Donovan" (1×04 – "Black Cadillac") – promo 1
7. "Ray Donovan" (1×04 – "Black Cadillac") – sneak peek 1
8. "Ray Donovan" (1×04 – "Black Cadillac") – sneak peek 2
9. "Mistresses" (1×07 – "All In") – sneak peek 2
10. "Under the Dome" (1×04 – "Outbreak") – sneak peek
11. "Pretty Little Liars" (4×06 – "Under the Gun") – sneak peek 4
12. "Devious Maids" (1×05 – "Taking Out the Trash") – promo 1