15 klipów na niedzielę: "Sons of Anarchy", "HIMYM", "Hell on Wheels", "Atlantis"

Marta Wawrzyn
8 września 2013, 13:04
Trailer serialu "Atlantis" BBC One. Promo finałowej serii "How I Met Your Mother" z nowymi scenami (spoilery!). Sneak peeki z premiery 6. sezonu "Sons of Anarchy". A oprócz tego "Hell on Wheels", "Welcome to the Family", "The Middle", "The Blacklist", "Unforgettable".
Trailer serialu "Atlantis" BBC One. Promo finałowej serii "How I Met Your Mother" z nowymi scenami (spoilery!). Sneak peeki z premiery 6. sezonu "Sons of Anarchy". A oprócz tego "Hell on Wheels", "Welcome to the Family", "The Middle", "The Blacklist", "Unforgettable".
1. "Atlantis" – trailer
2. "How I Met Your Mother" (sezon 9) – promo
3. "The Middle" (5×01 – "The Drop Off") – promo 1
4. "The Blacklist" – promo
5. "Sons of Anarchy" (6×01 – "Straw") – sneak peek 1
6. "Sons of Anarchy" (6×01 – "Straw") – sneak peek 2
7. "Sons of Anarchy" (6×01 – "Straw") – sneak peek 3
8. "Hell on Wheels" (3×07 – "Cholera") – promo 1
9. "Hell on Wheels" (3×07 – "Cholera") – sneak peek 1
10. "Welcome to the Family" – "Two Families Come Together" Promo
11. "Welcome to the Family" – "I'm Pregnant" Promo
12. "Welcome to the Family" – "Birth Control" Promo
13. "Unforgettable" (2×07 – "Maps and Legends") – sneak peek 1
14. "Unforgettable" (2×07 – "Maps and Legends") – sneak peek 2
15. "Unforgettable" (2×07 – "Maps and Legends") – sneak peek 3