12 klipów na Nowy Rok: "Black Sails", "HIMYM", "TBBT", "Rogue", "Simpsonowie"

Marta Wawrzyn
1 stycznia 2014, 13:02
Klimatyczna czołówka "Black Sails". Krótka zapowiedź nowego sezonu "Rogue". A oprócz tego "Simpsonowie", "The Big Bang Theory", "The Assets", "How I Met Your Mother".
Klimatyczna czołówka "Black Sails". Krótka zapowiedź nowego sezonu "Rogue". A oprócz tego "Simpsonowie", "The Big Bang Theory", "The Assets", "How I Met Your Mother".
1. "How I Met Your Mother" (9×14 – "Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment in Slapmarra") – promo 1
2. "Black Sails" – czołówka
3. "Rogue" (sezon 2) – promo
4. "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." (1×11 – "The Magical Place") – sneak peek 1
5. "The Big Bang Theory" (7×12 – "The Hesitation Ramification") – sneak peek 1
6. "The Crazy Ones" (1×12 – "The Face of a Winner") – sneak peek 1
7. "The Simpsons" (25×09 – "Steal This Episode") – sneak peek 1
8. "The Simpsons" (25×09 – "Steal This Episode") – sneak peek 2
9. "The Simpsons" (25×09 – "Steal This Episode") – sneak peek 3
10. "The Assets" – trailer
11. "The Assets" (1×01) – sneak peek 1
12. "The Assets" (1×01) – sneak peek 2