10 klipów na sobotę: "The Originals", "Downton Abbey", "Zakazane imperium", "The Knick"

Marta Wawrzyn
6 września 2014, 12:43
Krótkie fragmenty nowych odcinków "Downton Abbey" i "Zakazanego imperium". Nowy trailer 2. sezonu "The Originals". A oprócz tego "The Knick", "Once Upon a Time", "Z Nation" i inne.
Krótkie fragmenty nowych odcinków "Downton Abbey" i "Zakazanego imperium". Nowy trailer 2. sezonu "The Originals". A oprócz tego "The Knick", "Once Upon a Time", "Z Nation" i inne.
1. "Once Upon a Time" (sezon 4) – promo
2. "The Knick" (1×05 – "They Capture the Heat") – promo 1
3. "The Originals" (sezon 2) – promo
4. "Downton Abbey" (sezon 5) – sneak peek
5. "Boardwalk Empire" (5×01 – "Golden Days for Boys and Girls") – sneak peek 1
6. "The Vampire Diaries" (sezon 6) – promo
7. "Z Nation" – promo
8. "The League" (6×02 – "Tefl-Andre") – promo 1
9. "Satisfaction" (1×09 – "Through Revelation") – promo 1
10. "Rush" (1×09 – "Dirty Work") – promo 1